"Солонгосын Чунгбукийн Үндэсний их сургуулийн Мэдээллийн технологийн чиглэлийн ахисан түвшний хөтөлбөрүүдтэй танилцаарай!"

I am writing to inform you regarding the Lab Introduction program organized by our College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (College of ECE).

In this program, professors from various departments will introduce their labs (research area, benefits for grad students, etc.).

So far, professors of the following labs have agreed to join the program:

- Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Lab (Prof. Aziz Nasridinov)

- Multimedia Processing Lab (Prof. Hyun Soo Kang)

- Network Computing Lab (Prof. Taehong Kim)

- Integrated Circuit for Advanced Technology (ICAT) Lab (Prof. Hong Jong Phil)

- Multi-Sensor Intelligence System Lab (Prof. HyungWon Kim)

- Computer Graphics & Contents Lab (Prof. Kwan Hee Yoo)

I believe that this program will be helpful for senior students at your university who want to pursue MS or Ph.D. degrees in Korea.

The program will be held via ZOOM on February 28, 2023, at 13:50 (Korean Standard Time).

Please pass the following ZOOM link to your students who are interested in joining the program.


Thank you.

PS: You can find more about our College of ECE here: https://ece.cbnu.ac.kr/eng

Үзсэн : 499


Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, Их сургуулийн гудамж-3, МУИС-ийн хичээлийн III байр