English-Mongolian-Russian Fire Management Terminology

In preparation of the establishment of the Regional Central Asia Fire Management Resource Center (RCAFMRC) in 2015 and for the facilitation of the Mongolian-Russian cooperation in cross-border fire management a detailed fire management terminology in Mongolian language was developed and the Russian version upgraded by Mongolian and Russian fire specialists and the GFMC. Printed copies are available upon request at the RCAFMRC in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. For the digital version click here.

Үзсэн : 2094


Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, Их сургуулийн гудамж-3, МУИС-ийн хичээлийн 3а байр, 218 тоот
: defe@seas.num.edu.mn
: 77307730-3203, 3213