Welcome to Tools & Methods of Program Analysis - 2015 Conference

Dear Colleagues!

The Third International Workshop-Conference “Tools & Methods of Program Analysis” (TMPA-2015) invites you and your students, post-graduates, young scientists interested in independent expert review of their research, as well as faculty members and staff to participate our event.

We will appreciate it if would be so kind as to distribute the below and attached information among the relevant departments of your educational institution.

Our conference will take place on November 12-14, 2015 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia at Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

The conference program will include plenary reports and mini-courses delivered by experts, presentations selected by the Program Committee, presentations of on-going projects, short reports about new ideas, research that is underway or new tools.

We are also interested in active participation of IT industry representatives and interesting practice-based reports and presentations from leading software development firms and hope to have that as part of conference proceedings this year as in 2013 and 2014.

The conference is organized by:

· Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPbSPU: eng.spbstu.ru), Department of Computer Systems & Software Engineering of the Institute of Computing & Control (CS&SE: kspt.icc.spbstu.ru/en);

·  Federal Research Centre “Informatics and Control Systems” The Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPI RAN: ipiran.ru);

·  Exactpro Systems, part of London Stock Exchange Group  (exactpro.com)

For more information, including key dates and how to register, please visit our website: tmpaconf.org

Thank you for your interest in our event.


Best Regards,

TMPA-2015 Welcoming Committee

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Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, Их сургуулийн гудамж-3, МУИС-ийн хичээлийн III байр 315 тоот
: assistant1_dam@seas.num.edu.mn, dep-am@seas.num.edu.mn
: 77307730-3600