Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

This department is established recently due to the structural changes of NUM, with suitable learning programs and lecturers for studies such as: Environmental Sciences Environmental Assessment Meteorology Hydrology Soil Science Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Technology Environmental Protection Technology Material Science Nano Science and Engineering Nuclear Engineering Biotechnology and Bioengineering Forestry

Department of Environmental Sciences and Forest Engineering

This department is established recently due to the structural changes of NUM, with suitable learning programs and lecturers for studies such as: Environmental Sciences Environmental Assessment Meteorology Hydrology Soil Science Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering and Technology Environmental Protection Technology Material Science Nano Science and Engineering Nuclear Engineering Biotechnology and Bioengineering Forestry

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

In 1965, the Department’s foundation was to train radio-physicians and radio-electricians. Due to technique and technology’s rapid development, electronic engineers were in growing demand in Mongolia therefore NUM formed the very first class of electronics in 1990 and saw its first graduation ceremony in 1994. In 2014, the structural changes of NUM unified the Department of Electronics and the Department of Communication Technology and thus came to be the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Young specialists educated in well developed countries make up the School’s teaching human resource and many projects including local and international are tasked among them with the results used in manufacturing ...

Department of Applied Mathematics

The scientific research of applied mathematics in Mongolia was founded in the field of numerical mathematics in 1962. The department of differential equations and numerical mathematics was established at NUM in 1993 and soon after, in 1996, the name was changed to the department of applied mathematics as its research areas expanded to include nonlinear and differential equations, numerical mathematics, optimization, control theory and others. After the structural change of the university in 2014, the Department of Applied Mathematics now hosts over 30 faculty members who are working in such diverse research areas as numerical mathematics, statistics, actuarial mathematics, financial mathematics, mathematical optimization, control theory, ...

Department of Information and Computer Sciences

Establishment of Department of Calculation, 1982, at NUM was the pioneering base of the computer science division in Mongolia. Since then, study programs and technological bases were steadily improved. Department of Computer Programmer was formed at School of Mathematics and Computer Science in 1993 and educated professional computer programmers. Department of Information and Computer Science set up in 2014 after NUM’s reorganization, and unified all the study programs and teaching staffs involved in Computer Science, Information System and Information Technology, Information Management and Bioinformatics, at NUM.  Department of Information and Computer Science offer bachelor programs in Computer Science, Software Engineering, ...
Total : 5
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Building #3, Ikh surguuliin gudamj 3,
Sukhbaatar district, P.O.Box-46A/600,
Ulaanbaatar 14201, MONGOLIA